Public Policies
In accordance with 6A and 6B of the state Minimum Standards for Public Libraries, all Massachusetts residents are eligible to full use of the library’s in-house services. Full borrowing services are given to holders of current library cards from state certified reciprocating communities. Library use will not be denied or abridged because of race, color, religion, sex, age or national background.
The library will meet all state requirements for hours open. The library will be closed on state and federal holidays, on Christmas Eve, and on the Friday following Thanksgiving Day. In case of inclement weather, building issues, perceived safety issues, or other emergencies, the library may be closed at the discretion of the Library Director. Closing announcements will be made on the library’s web site.
Checkout lengths, limits, renewals, and library card renewals are in accordance with C/WMARS policy.
The Boylston Library has laptops available for in-house usage for patrons upon request. Laptops must be signed out at the Checkout Desk and are available on a first come, first served basis, and cannot be reserved in advance. Only one laptop may be borrowed per patron. There will be a one-hour time limit if someone else is waiting to use a laptop. Otherwise, patrons are welcome to use a laptop for as long as they need to. If, after one hour, another patron comes in to use a laptop, the current user will be given ten minutes to finish and return the laptop.
Laptops are connected to an unsecured network. The library is not responsible for the loss or compromise of information transmitted across the connection.
Laptops do not have filtering software. Use of public laptops or iPads may be revoked at the discretion of library staff. Behaviors warranting the loss of privileges include, but are not limited to:
Viewing sexually explicit materials
Any online behaviors deemed illegal by state or federal law
Destruction or damage of equipment or data
Downloading or copying copyright-protected materials without authorization
Violation of the library’s Patron Behavior Policy, including interfering with or disrupting other computer users
Downloading/installing software
Altering software configurations or computer settings
The library does not control, endorse, filter, or monitor the information on the internet for content or accuracy. The individual user is the ultimate judge of the appropriateness and value of materials and information accessed via the internet. In the case of minors, this responsibility belongs to parents or legal guardians.
The Boylston Library has iPads and iPad games in the Children’s Room for use by children and their caregivers. IPads and games are available on a first come, first served basis, and cannot be reserved in advance. Only one iPad and one game at a time may be borrowed per child. There will be a one-hour time limit if someone else is waiting to use an iPad. Otherwise, children are welcome to use an iPad for as long as they need to. If, after one hour, another child comes in to use an iPad or game, the current user will be given ten minutes to finish.
The library must comply with all lawful search warrants and court orders regarding public computers.
The library places no restrictions on the check out or use of its print and non-print collections by patrons. It is our policy that parents, and only parents, may restrict access to library materials and services. Parents who would rather their children did not have access to certain materials should so advise their children.
The Library and its staff are responsible for providing equal access to library materials and services for all library users. This includes books, magazines, audio books, movies, video games, and electronic resources.
Overdue fines are not imposed on patrons of the Boylston Public Library. Follow-up will continue to ensure that materials not returned are billed and delinquent borrowers’ privileges are suspended until the materials are returned.
Patrons who have overdue materials that have been outstanding for more than 30 days will receive a bill for the item(s). Items that are owned by the Boylston Library can either be returned, paid for, or replaced with a new or like new copy of the same title(s).
Items will be billed at the following standard replacement fee:
Hardcover and Trade Paperback Books: $30
Adult Softcover: $17
Juvenile/YA Hardcover: $20
Juvenile/YA/JJ Softcover: $10
JJ Hardcover/Board Books: $17
Large Print: $35
Magazines: $5
DVD: $30
DVD Series: $55
Audio Book: $55
Three notices will be sent to patrons who have overdue materials. Patrons who receive 3rd notices for overdue materials will be billed for the cost of the materials and have their library privileges suspended. Privileges will be restored upon return of materials or payment of bill.
Boylston Public Library materials that are returned to the library damaged (other than normal wear and tear) will be charged to patrons if the item needs to be removed from circulation. The borrowing patron has the option to replace the item with a new or like-new copy of the same title or pay for the item at the replacement fee listed above. Items returned with missing pieces will not be charged to a patron until three attempts have been made to recover the missing piece over a 30-day period. If the missing piece can be replaced by the vendor, the patron will be billed only for the replacement fee, otherwise the patron will be billed for the full cost of the item.
The library gratefully accepts gifts with the understanding that they become the property of the library. The library cannot guarantee the duration, display, location or promotion of any gift. The Director or Trustees may retain, sell, reassign or discard gifts as needed for the efficient operation of the library. The library is not responsible for stolen or damaged gifts. The library cannot return, store, or assess the value of any gift.
Donations must first be discussed with the Director. The Trustees or Director may reject a gift for any reason. Gifts should not impede the Director’s or Trustees’ responsibility for and control of town property or conflict with the mission of the library. Gifts should not promote a political or religious point of view. Gifts should not be physically dangerous, or require special care, conservation, excess space, insurance, maintenance, removal or staff time.
The Director will determine the disposition of gifts in the form of cash, stocks, CDs or other monetary vehicles.
Books purchased with memorial gifts, or books donated as a memorial and added to the collection, will have a bookplate affixed.
Plaques that recognize substantial donations or service may be displayed at the discretion of the Trustees. Plaques may not be permanent and may be moved or stored as best supports the needs of the library.
Official Town and School notices are posted at the library. Other items will be displayed at the discretion of the Library Director or Assistant Director based on space available. Approval must be obtained before items are posted or left for distribution. Fliers for posting must not exceed one 8 ½” x 11” in size. The library retains the right to remove postings that have been up for two weeks to make room for other posts. The library assumes no responsibility for the returning or restocking of fliers or materials. Materials containing offensive language or images will not be posted. Posting of materials does not indicate library endorsement.
Use of the library and library grounds by Boylston-affiliated non-profit groups and civic organizations is allowed under certain conditions. The library has no private meeting space or quiet zones, and provides a variety of services to the public during operating hours. Regular library business may not be disrupted. Groups wishing to use the library under these conditions must submit a written request to be approved by the Library Director. Library programs will take precedence in scheduling; all other requests will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Use of library space must be for educational, civic, and cultural activities such as group discussions and meetings. The library is unavailable for uses not deemed to be in the public interest of the community as determined by the Board of Trustees, such as:
Commercial use, defined as events including solicitations, admission or other charges, fundraising activities (except for the Boylston Public Library Foundation, Inc.), sales, and/or the provision of fee-based services.
Social use, defined as events such as reunions, showers, birthday parties, dances, weddings, and other events of such nature.
Political purposes: Political rallies, campaigns for office, or specific partisan issues are prohibited. Organizational meetings, forums, and office hours hosted by current elected officials serving the town of Boylston are acceptable so long as they are free and open to the public.
Healthcare Services: The library may not be used to provide any kind of direct healthcare services including examinations, hands-on demonstrations, or treatments unless sponsored by a town department.
Meeting attendees or children’s groups may not leave children under 10 years of age unattended in any part of the library.
If approved, the group meeting in the library will be responsible for making preparations and for cleaning the area after use. The library will not assist in the planning, promotion, or organization of the meeting. Groups may only use the library and library grounds during normal business hours.
The purpose of this policy is to define the guidelines for acceptable behavior while on library property. These guidelines serve to protect our library’s resources and maximize the safety and comfort of library visitors and staff. In addition to these policies, all patrons and staff are expected to adhere to state and federal laws, public health guidelines, Town policies, and other library policies while on library property.
The following activities are allowed in the library:
Filming library staff and patrons, except in bathrooms, designated “staff/authorized personnel only” areas, and during library programs or sponsored events except with permission from the Library Director.
Snacks and covered beverages. Waste or spills must be cleaned promptly.
The following activities are prohibited on library property:
Smoking, vaping, and consumption of marijuana or alcoholic beverages.
Possession of weapons, unless authorized by law.
Misuse of restrooms, such as using the library as a laundry or washing facility.
Leaving a child aged 10 or younger unattended in the library.
Engaging in disruptive conduct that negatively impacts other patrons or staff during regular library use or during a library program. Disruptive behaviors include, but are not limited to: making excessive noise or unwanted interruptions, running, pushing, shoving, throwing objects, moving furniture from one area to another, blocking walkways, or creating tripping hazards.
Interfering with another person's use of the library or with library personnel's performance of their duties.
Entering or using the library without proper clothing, including shoes.
Posting flyers without permission.
Stalking, touching, using abusive or otherwise unwanted language to library staff or other patrons.
Soliciting donations, approaching other library users for the purpose of obtaining petition signatures, or conducting surveys for research purposes without written permission from the Library Director.
Library staff will intervene to stop prohibited activities and behaviors. Patrons will receive one reminder of the policy. Failure to comply a second time may result in removal from the building. Serious or repeated failures to comply with this policy may lead to denied access to the library and the issuance of a No Trespass Order. Any patron whose privileges have been denied may have the decision reviewed by the Board of Library Trustees. Requests for such reviews must be made in writing within 90 days of the denial. The denial shall be upheld while the request is under consideration. A written response will be sent via Certified Mail by the Board Chair once a determination is made.
The Boylston Public Library strives to provide a safe, welcoming, and comfortable environment for children of all ages. The Children’s Room is designed for ages 0-12, and welcomes active learning and play in many forms. Patrons of all ages are instructed to respect the space, respect themselves, and respect others.
Children ten (10) and younger must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or designated caregiver at all times. Neither the Town of Boylston, the Boylston Public Library, nor the library staff can be held responsible for the safety of young children. During children’s library programs, caregivers must remain in the building. Regardless of age, any youth not respecting Library property or other patrons may, at the discretion of staff, be required to be supervised by their caregiver or asked to leave the library.
Use your indoor voice. Be aware and respectful of other Library users and staff.
Respect Library property and treat it with care. Toys, games and books should be cleaned up after use.
The internet is not restricted or filtered on Library laptops and iPads. Parents are responsible for monitoring their children’s internet use in the library.
Trustees, staff, patrons or others may produce video programs for the Boylston Library, either independently or by request. The Library Director has the sole authority to accept video programs for the library, and may reject any video program not consistent with the library’s mission statement. The Library Director has the sole authority to distribute and remove library-owned video programs from various distribution channels.
The Boylston Public Library is the owner of any video program accepted by the Library Director. The original producer will cede all rights to the video program. Credits may be given but compensation will not be given. For the purposes of distribution, the Boylston Public Library is the producer of the program. Signature of the original producer on an approved Library-Produced Video Application is required, and certifies that the transfer of ownership and rights has taken place.
The library has limited storage space available, and therefore is unable to store items for outside groups. The Boylston Public Library Foundation, Inc. may store items in designated areas in the attic. All other storage space will be used by library staff for storage of supplies and other library related items. All storage spaces must be inventoried and organized annually. All storage areas must remain neat and free of safety hazards. Storage of items must not impede access to heating vents, shutoff valves, electrical panels, etc.
The Boylston Public Library seeks to maintain a collection that represents a broad spectrum of opinions and subjects. The collection should contain up to date and accurate information in diverse formats, be as balanced as possible, and represent various views of controversial issues. Library staff carefully select materials to satisfy the informational, recreational, and cultural needs of the community, and the collection is responsive to changing interests and needs.
The purpose of the Library Collection Development Policy is to guide staff and inform the public about the process of material selection.
Responsibility for Collection Development Policy
The Trustees of the Boylston Public Library are responsible for the adoption of and changes to the Collection Development Policy. The Trustees authorize the Library Director to implement the approved policy. The Director allocates the materials budget and designates staff to assist with the selection of materials based upon established review and reference sources, as well as patron and staff recommendations.
Materials Selection Process and Criteria
When adding new materials, the work’s overall contribution to the collection is considered. Trained library staff utilize their specialized knowledge and professional selection sources, as well as the following selection criteria:
Identified, expressed or anticipated needs and interests of the community
Quality of content, such as timeliness, accuracy, and literary merit
Inclusion of different viewpoints, values, philosophies, cultures and religions
Focus on current interests while also maintaining materials in a broad range of subjects
Local demand and the availability of material through interlibrary loan
The significance of author, publisher and/or producer
Availability of various formats
Materials budget as well as physical space within the library
Relevance to the existing collection’s strengths and weaknesses
Relevance to the library’s mission and goals
All materials, whether purchased or donated, will be evaluated critically based on some combination of the above selection criteria.
Materials are withdrawn regularly by library staff to maintain items that are current and in good repair. Staff review the collection annually to assess for deficiencies, ensure usefulness to the community, and make room for new materials. Withdrawal selection follows guidelines set out in the CREW (Continuous Review, Evaluation, and Weeding) Manual which include:
Physical condition
Frequency of circulation
Availability through interlibrary loan
Currency of information
Permanent value to the collection (classics or item of historical value)
Presence of similar materials in the collection
Space to house the item
Controversial Materials and Intellectual Freedom
The Boylston Public Library adheres to the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read Statement, and the Freedom to View Statement. Patrons are free to use or decline materials. The library does not promote particular beliefs or views, but strives to provide free access to a well-balanced collection of topics suitable to diverse members of the community. Materials expressing only one point of view may be selected to provide necessary balance to other materials. Materials containing language, situations or subjects that may be offensive to some within the community will not be disqualified if the material is judged to provide overall value to the collection.
The library places physical materials within areas of the building in which they seem most suitable. Library staff do not restrict the use of any material by age. Responsibility for materials selected and used by minors lies with their legal guardians.
If a patron has concerns over the inclusion of material in the library’s collection, they may submit a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials or Programs.
Process for Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials or Programs
Be a resident of the Town of Boylston with an active library card.
Have read, viewed, seen, or heard the material.
Review the Boylston Public Library Collection Development Policy and the Library Bill of Rights.
Complete the Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials or Programs form and submit it to the Library Director. (If requesting a reconsideration of a program, the form must be received at least two weeks prior to the program date.)
Once received, the Request will be presented to the Trustees. A decision will be voted on in the subsequent meeting. The material that is challenged shall remain in the collection during the review process.
The Director will issue a written decision to the challenger. The decision of the Library Board of Trustees is final.
Process for Request for the Addition of Materials
The library values input from patrons. Suggestions are carefully considered within the established Collection Development guidelines for process and criteria. The library cannot purchase every suggested title. If a patron has concerns over the exclusion of material in the library’s collection, they may submit a Request for the Addition of Materials. Library staff will inform the patron if their request was approved or denied. If the patron wishes to appeal the decision made by library staff, the patron must observe the following steps:
Be a resident of the Town of Boylston with an active library card.
Review the Boylston Public Library Collection Development Policy.
Complete the Request for the Addition of Library Materials.
Once received, the Request will be presented to the Trustees. A decision will be voted on in the subsequent meeting.
The Director will issue a written decision to the patron. The decision of the Library Board of Trustees is final.
The Boylston Public Library develops and offers programs intended to further the library’s mission. Programs are designed to meet the educational, social, recreational, cultural, or informational needs of an anticipated audience in the community. Programs may be in the form of a single event, a short series, or continuously recurring.
Programs may include: lectures, forums, visual and performance art, interactive classes or workshops, continuing education, fairs, discussion groups, technology programs, story times, class visits, community outreach, exhibits, and presentations for social, cultural, educational, or recreational purposes.
The library attempts to include a broad spectrum of opinions and viewpoints in programs, exhibits, and collections. Community input influences programming and is collected through online and in-person surveys, community discussions, and direct conversations with staff. Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute or imply an endorsement of its content by any library staff, by the Board of Trustees, or by the town of Boylston. Program topics, presenters, and resources are not excluded because of possible controversy.
When making decisions regarding program content, presenters, and related resources library staff will consider the following:
Relevance to the library’s mission and strategic plan
Community needs and interests, including feedback and suggestions from Boylston stakeholders
Potential to promote, supplement, and encourage the use of library collections & resources
Presentation quality as determined by presenter’s background, record of presentation, and qualifications in content area
Historical, cultural, or educational significance
Space required, and the availability of that space
Balance of current programs being offered at the library
Connection to other community programs or events
Safety and security of patrons and staff
National and local observances, commemorative months, and initiatives (i.e., National Library Week, Women’s History Month, Veterans’ Day, etc.)
Library programs may take place in the building or on the grounds, at offsite locations, and/or online. Programs may be live-streamed or recorded for later playback. Decisions related to whether the program is in person, hybrid, or virtual are made by the coordinating staff in collaboration with the performer or speaker.
Responsibility for program development rests with the Library Director, who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Board of Trustees. Program planning and facilitating is delegated to staff members based on their job responsibilities and areas of expertise.
The library receives funding for library programs in a variety of ways including grants, state aid, donations, and charitable organizations such as the Boylston Public Library Foundation, Inc.
Programs sponsored by the Boylston Public Library are open to the public and offered free of charge. Authors, performers, or artists may sell their work or other materials as part of a library program or exhibit. At the discretion of the Library Director, a fee may be applied to programs and goods that benefit the library including book sales, raffles, and other types of fundraising. The Boylston Public Library Foundation, Inc. may sponsor their own programming, and they may raise funds to benefit the library.
Program presenters are selected from local, regional, and national professionals in order to reflect the diversity and interests of Boylston and the wider world. Requests from individuals to present programs are considered and weighed against the public’s demonstrated interest in the topic, available budget and resources, as well as the presenter’s demonstrated qualifications, expertise, and reputation.
Anyone interested in presenting a program may submit a proposal that will be reviewed by library staff using this policy as a guideline. The library reserves the right to decline a program for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, staffing, budgetary constraints, space, or scheduling.
The library welcomes partnerships that promote civic engagement and support its mission and strategic goals, and may choose to co-host programs with partners. Partners must comply with all library policies. Partners that participate in co-hosting a program receive acknowledgement in marketing and PR materials.
Library programs are non-commercial in nature. Programs are not used for the solicitation of business. Presenters and performers, whether individual or organizational, shall not use a library program to advertise or recruit members or customers. While the library welcomes professional experts to present at its events, library sponsored programs cannot be used to directly further commercial, religious, political, or partisan purposes. Presenters are permitted to have business-related brochures, flyers, or other information available for attendees to pick up if interested. Presenters cannot distribute such materials as part of the event.
Open Access
All library sponsored programs are open to the public, but some meetings and programs may be designed with specific audiences in mind, such as programs intended for children and teens that are geared to their interests and needs. Adults who wish to attend a program specifically designed for children must be accompanied by a child. Tween and teen programs are limited to tweens and teens only, except when they require an adult assistant or companion. Programs targeted toward specific audiences are to be publicized as such.
Every attempt will be made to accommodate all who wish to attend a program. However, when space, cost, safety, or the success of a program requires it, attendance may be limited. Admittance will be determined on a first come, first served basis, either through advance registration or at the door. The library reserves the right to deny attendance to anyone becoming disruptive to audience members or the program facilitator, and to anyone in violation of the library’s Behavior Policy.
Programs may be canceled for several reasons, including weather, absence of the presenter, or low registration. Canceled programs are not automatically rescheduled. Advanced notification of program cancellations will be made in advance whenever possible.
Controversial Programs and Intellectual Freedom
The Boylston Public Library adheres to the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read Statement, and the Freedom to View Statement. Patrons are free to attend or decline programs. The library does not promote particular beliefs or views, but strives to provide free access to programs suitable to diverse members of the community.
If a patron has concerns over the inclusion of a library program, they may submit a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials or Programs.
Process for Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials or Programs
Be a resident of the Town of Boylston with an active library card.
Have read, viewed, seen, or heard the material.
Review the Boylston Public Library Collection Development Policy/Program Policy and the Library Bill of Rights.
Complete the Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials or Programs form and submit it to the Library Director. (If requesting a reconsideration of a program, the form must be received at least two weeks prior to the program date.)
Once received, the Request will be presented to the Trustees. A decision will be voted on in the subsequent meeting. The material that is challenged shall remain in the collection during the review process.
The Director will issue a written decision to the challenger. The decision of the Library Board of Trustees is final.
Approved by the Boylston Public Library Trustees on July 10, 2024.